How does your media product represent particular social groups?

“We decided to use a Thriller theme as it seems to be an ageless genre. Obviously the types of Thriller have changed over time but they are still the type of film that a majority of the population would watch which is why I think they are so successful and they never seem to get old. Another great thing about thrillers is that they can contain elements of other genres such as romance, horror, comedy etc. This helped us decide what genre we wanted to do as it didn’t really limit us very much. Originally we were going to aim it at younger people around our own age group but then we thought it would appeal to people who were older as well which broadens our demographic. Originally we wanted to do a horror film but decided that Thriller was the better option as we could be more inventive.”

Posted on May 8, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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